God is alive and well and calling all of us.
- Rev. Dr. Glenn M. Wagner
Real-Life Stories to Strengthen and Restore Your Faith
Rev. Dr. Glenn M. Wagner invites persons who are struggling with belief to reconsider God. Wagner offers honesty, empathy, and inspiration from four decades of global pastoral experience. He shares many different ways that God is made known so that persons who doubt God and those who seek to help them may find new perspectives for living.
Read What Others Have Said About God Incidents: Real Life Stories to Strengthen and Restore Your Faith.
From the very first page, “God-Incidents: Help for the Hurting” made me think about my own life and faith. It made me feel, question, remember, re-examine and look within. I can think of no finer compliment to give to my friend, Glenn Wagner, pastor and author: This book is worth reading.
--Susan Harrison-Wolffis, retired columnist for M-Live
Dr. Wagner has written a personal, compelling account of "God incidents" that have touched his life and deeply move the reader. Coming from the experience of a thoughtful, caring pastor, this book brings theology and spirituality together in a way that motivates us to stay open to the divine activity in the everyday. An inspiring read.
-- Dr. Doug Wingeier, emeritus professor of practical theology, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Glenn Wagner’s God Incidents could not be more timely. Growing numbers of Americans tell researchers they either don’t believe God exists, or aren’t sure. The inspiring biblical and contemporary stories in God Incidents, recounting God’s action in the world past and present, offer a compelling, hopeful and welcome Christian response.
-- Gunnar Carlson, former newspaper editor and retired United Methodist pastor
God matters! At the deepest level human beings strive to experience and know Spirit beyond self. Wagner encourages and gives insights into how paying attention to God sightings along the way will enrich and strengthen life.
-- Sharon Rader, retired United Methodist Bishop
Glenn Wagner's God Incidents Help for the Hurting articulates clearly, lovingly, and directly the basic teachings of Christianity and its author's lived experience of these teachings.
-- Dr. William Reynolds – Dean for the Arts and Humanities at Hope College
There is a depth of conviction and purpose in Glenn Wagner's “God Incidents” that lets you know this is the work of a lifetime. At times, when pastors, scholars and theologians discuss God's presence in our lives, a coolly academic quality surfaces, as if they are reciting by rote the elements of a lesson learned. Not so for Wagner. His look at how God becomes manifest in human experience draws not only on his many years of work as a pastor but also on his travels as a questioning, longing human being. The conclusions he draws are carefully considered and deeply felt.
- Clayton Hardiman – Retired Newspaper Columnist and Religion Editor
In a time when so many are searching for evidence of God in the world and in their lives, Rev. Dr. Glenn Wagner's book, "God Incidents: Help for the Hurting", offers an inspiring glimpse into 'God moments' from his own personal experiences and the experiences of those he has served throughout his ministry. These 'God moments' help connect us to something greater than ourselves. They can inspire and change our lives.
- Deb Kiesey, Retired Bishop for the Michigan Area of the United Methodist Church
Where is God?
It is OK for people to ask questions and to wrestle with issues of doubt and belief. It is important in a healthy community for people to speak with honesty and integrity. That’s what Glenn does in his book, God Incidents: Real-Life Stories to Strengthen and Restore Your Faith.
Glenn shares real times and places when God has been made known in life changing ways in the Bible, in history, and in his life. God Incidents can help us like a book of maps for a lost traveler to find our way back home and to become more aware of the way God is at work in the world around us so that we choose to live in greater alignment with God’s hopes for each of us.